Applicants Sought for Hawaii Island Forestry Advisory Council positions
Hawaii 24/7 has just posted a media release “The Department of Land and Natural Resources’ (DLNR) Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW), in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, is now accepting applications for vacant seats on the LaupÄhoehoe Advisory Council (LAC) and the Pu‘u Wa‘awa‘a Advisory Council (PAC) on Hawai‘i island.”
Hawaii Forest Industry Association Plants Douglas fir Christmas Trees March 3 and Invites You to Volunteer
HFIA’s ‘Aina Mauna Christmas Tree Planting of Douglas fir trees on the slopes of Mauna Kea will take place on March 3 on the slopes of Mauna Kea from 8 :00 am-12:30 pm and you’re invited to volunteer to help. Horticulturist Aileen Yeh of the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center will lead the efforts. Space is limited and sign up is suggested. See the Hawaii Tribune Herald article for more information.
If you want to see how Douglas fir seeds, sent from Vancouver Island and Washington, grow into trees to plant, see Aileen Yeh’s pdf presentation on the HFIA website.

Portion of Kona Cloud Forest Sanctuary Preserved
Max Dible of West Hawaii Today writes that “Norman Bezona, a retired professor emeritus from the University of Hawai’i College of Tropical Agriculture and the steward of the (Cloud Forest) sanctuary has entered into a conservation agreement with Hawaiian Islands Land Trust (HILT) “.  Read the article and see the images.
Find out more about the Kona Cloud Forest Sanctuary here .  To see a visitor’s video (Daniele Giacametti) of the forest view this YouTube video .
To learn more about the Hawaiian Islands Land Trust visit their site. If you’d like to have some basic information on cloud forests, aka montane forests, try good old wiki. If you’re even more curious about plants and watersheds in Hawai’i visit CTAHR”S Forest Hydrology Site .